As a way into a poem with students, I often "crowd-source" the initial analysis through collaborative text annotation in Google Docs. Today I read them the poem "There Will Come Soft Rains" by Sara Teasdale. They were familiar with the poem from Ray Bradbury's short story of the same title. After reading the poem aloud (displayed onscreen), I said, "Go!" and each student was tasked with highlighitnig and commenting on a single word in the poem with a somewhat vague charge: annotate the word for its significance.
Students analyze diction choices in the Teasdale poem and then deepen the analysis by replying to each other.
In three to five minutes, you get a fully annotated poem and many inroads to conversation about rhyme, poetic devices, allusions, imagery, on and on. Docs on the iPad is a little clumsy for students to navigate, but touch-holding a highlighted word will allow them to see the comment and then reply to it. I encourage students to deepen the analysis of the word in question or to ask a follow-up for the original commenter.
Today I showed them the Lit Genius page for "There Will Come Soft Rains" and said, "We can do better than this." They did.